Ballistic Transport

Ballistic transport in InGaN-based LEDs: impact on efficiency

Materials Engineering / Condensed Matter Physics / Ballistic Transport / Electroluminescence / Temperature Sensitive Polymer / Light Emitting Diode

Renormalized transport of inertial particles

Fluid Dynamics / Transport Properties / Numerical Simulation / Mathematical Sciences / Chaotic Dynamics / Physical sciences / Surface Waves / THERMAL DIFFUSIVITY / Fluid flow / Fluctuations / Trajectories / Ballistic Transport / Numerical computation / Velocity Field / Deflection / Asymptotic Properties / Random Field / Physical sciences / Surface Waves / THERMAL DIFFUSIVITY / Fluid flow / Fluctuations / Trajectories / Ballistic Transport / Numerical computation / Velocity Field / Deflection / Asymptotic Properties / Random Field

High-energy ballistic transport in hetero-and nano-structures

Materials Engineering / Nanotechnology / Scanning tunneling microscopy / Electron Transport / Temperature Dependence / Spectrum / Quantum Dot / Ballistic Transport / High energy / Resonant Tunneling Diode / Spectrum / Quantum Dot / Ballistic Transport / High energy / Resonant Tunneling Diode

High energy particle transport in stochastic magnetic fields in the solar corona

Turbulence / Dust (Astronomy & Astrophysics) / Magnetic field / Transport Properties / Models / Random Walk / Diffusion / Fluctuations / Magnetic Fields / Ballistic Transport / Levy Process / Turbulent Diffusion / Magnetic Moments / Particle Motion / Solar Corona / High energy / Energetic particles / Performance Test / Random Field / Random Walk / Diffusion / Fluctuations / Magnetic Fields / Ballistic Transport / Levy Process / Turbulent Diffusion / Magnetic Moments / Particle Motion / Solar Corona / High energy / Energetic particles / Performance Test / Random Field

High energy particle transport in stochastic magnetic fields in the solar corona

Turbulence / Dust (Astronomy & Astrophysics) / Magnetic field / Transport Properties / Models / Random Walk / Diffusion / Fluctuations / Magnetic Fields / Ballistic Transport / Levy Process / Turbulent Diffusion / Magnetic Moments / Particle Motion / Solar Corona / High energy / Energetic particles / Performance Test / Random Field / Random Walk / Diffusion / Fluctuations / Magnetic Fields / Ballistic Transport / Levy Process / Turbulent Diffusion / Magnetic Moments / Particle Motion / Solar Corona / High energy / Energetic particles / Performance Test / Random Field

Ballistic transport in InGaN-based LEDs: impact on efficiency

Materials Engineering / Condensed Matter Physics / Ballistic Transport / Electroluminescence / Light Emitting Diode

Ballistic Electron Transport in AlAs Quantum Wells

Physical sciences / Fundamental Parameters / Oscillations / Electron Transport / Power Spectrum / Effective mass / Quantum Well / Ballistic Transport / Effective mass / Quantum Well / Ballistic Transport

Transport Properties of Low Resistance Underoxidized Magnetic Tunnel Junctions

Engineering / Transport Properties / Physical sciences / Temperature Dependence / Ballistic Transport / High Density Concrete

Low amplitude, low frequency elastic measurements using Dynamic Mechanical Analyzer (DMA) spectroscopy

Chemical Engineering / Phase Transitions / Crystal structure / Power Law / Nanostructures / Nanostructure / Interfaces / XRD / Interface / Energy Dissipation / Momentum / Strain Energy / Ballistic Transport / Dynamic Mechanical Analysis / Biochemistry and cell biology / Nanostructure / Interfaces / XRD / Interface / Energy Dissipation / Momentum / Strain Energy / Ballistic Transport / Dynamic Mechanical Analysis / Biochemistry and cell biology

Spin-polarized reflection in a two-dimensional electron system

Engineering / III-V Semiconductors / Applied Physics / Physical sciences / Spin Relaxation / Ballistic Transport / Contact Resistance / Spin Orbit Coupling / Spin Polarization / Ballistic Transport / Contact Resistance / Spin Orbit Coupling / Spin Polarization
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